NHS Service

What is the hepatitis A vaccination, and why is it important?

The hepatitis A vaccination is a preventive measure against the hepatitis A virus (HAV), which causes a highly contagious liver infection. Hepatitis A is mainly spread by contaminated food and water. The vaccine is vital measure for travellers to regions with poor sanitation and also those who may be at increased risk due to lifestyle factors or medical conditions. Your pharmacist at Touchwood Pharmacy Cippenham can provide further information about your travel destination and the risks of hepatitis A.

Can children receive the hepatitis A vaccination at Touchwood Pharmacy?

The hepatitis A vaccination can be given to children aged one year and older who are planning international travel to regions with hepatitis A risk. Speak to one of our healthcare professionals at our branch on Bath Road, Slough, who can assess your travel plans and provide the best guidance for your trip.

Do I really need a hepatitis A vaccination?

If you are traveling to a destination with poor sanitary conditions or where vaccination for hepatitis A is advised, then it is strongly recommended that you receive the vaccination. Hepatitis A can cause a variety of extremely uncomfortable symptoms and has the potential to severely disrupt your travel plans.

Call today or book your appointment online for Hepatitis A Cippenham Slough