NHS Service

Do I have impetigo?

Watch out for red, itchy sores on your face, arms, or legs that weep and crust over with honey-coloured scabs. That might be impetigo, a common and contagious skin infection. Don’t ignore it – swollen lymph nodes or discomfort are warning signs. To stop the spread and get quick relief, head straight to Touchwood Pharmacy Bromley for diagnosis and treatment. Early action is key to keeping impetigo in check!

Should I go to the doctor if I think it’s impetigo?

Your first stop should be Touchwood Pharmacy Bromley for impetigo. Thanks to the NHS Pharmacy First service, our pharmacists can assess your symptoms, and prescribe antibiotics to help bring the infection under control.

Do I have to live in Bromley to get treated for impetigo?

Not at all. Touchwood Pharmacy Bromley welcomes patients from across England to the Pharmacy First Impetigo service. Residents of Beckenham, Chislehurst (BR1 & BR2), and anywhere further afield can rejoice! You don’t need to trek far for impetigo treatment anymore. The Pharmacy First service is now available, letting you get diagnosed and treated for non-bullous impetigo directly at participating pharmacies. Skip the GP queue and get expert care close to home.


Call today or book your appointment online for Pharmacy First Impetigo Service Bromley Touchwood Pharmacy