NHS Service

Does the Pharmacy First service allow your pharmacists diagnose sore throats like doctors at Milton Keynes Hospital?

While they’re experts in minor ailments, they can’t provide diagnoses. Instead, they’ll assess your symptoms, take your temperature if needed, and recommend the best course of action, which could include:
Over-the-counter meds: Soothe pain, cough, or fever.
Home remedies: Gargle with warm salt water, suck on lozenges, stay hydrated.
Referral to your GP: If needed for more serious cases.

Suffering from a scratchy throat in Milton Keynes? The Pharmacy First Sore Throat service can help

The Pharmacy First service is designed for exactly such situations. No appointment needed, simply walk in and our expert pharmacists will assess your symptoms. They’ll recommend the most effective over-the-counter medications, like soothing lozenges, cooling throat sprays, or pain-relieving options, to get you back on your feet and cheering loud again.

Can I use the Pharmacy First service even if I'm not registered with Touchwood Pharmacy?

Absolutely! You don’t have to be registered with our Touchwood branch in Leighton Buzzard. Our doors are open to everyone, regardless of location or existing prescriptions. Come in anytime – whether you’re from Milton Keynes, Luton or Bedford – we’re here to help you feel better quickly and conveniently.

Call today or book your appointment online for Pharmacy First Sore Throat Service Leighton Buzzard Touchwood Pharmacy