NHS Service

Does Touchwood Pharmacy Odiham offer UTI testing and treatment services?

Yes. Touchwood Pharmacy Odiham offers the Pharmacy First Urinary Tract Infection service. During your consultation our expert pharmacist will assess your symptoms and devise a course of treatment to get you feeling better as soon as possible.

What types of medications are available for UTI treatment at Touchwood Pharmacy Odiham?

Under the Pharmacy First program, pharmacists are able to initiate antibiotics for urinary tract infections without you needing to see the GP. Speak to one of our pharmacists at Touchwood Pharmacy Odiham for the best advice for your symptoms and arrange a consultation for the Pharmacy First program.

Can I get advice on preventing UTIs from the pharmacist at Touchwood Pharmacy Odiham?

Absolutely. Our experienced pharmacists in Odiham are always ready to give you the best possible advice on how to avoid future UTIs and help you to get back on your feet after suffering from this nasty little infection.

Call today or book your appointment online for Pharmacy First UTI Service Odiham Touchwood Pharmacy