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Same-Day Shingles Treatment at Touchwood Pharmacy with Pharmacy First

Is a burning, blistering rash making one side of your body feel like a warzone? You might be facing shingles, a viral infection caused by the same varicella-zoster virus that causes chickenpox. But fear not. Relief from Shingles is closer than you think thanks to the ground-breaking Pharmacy First shingles service now available at Touchwood Pharmacy.

Pharmacy First empowers our expert pharmacists at Touchwood Pharmacy to diagnose and treat uncomplicated shingles in adults aged 18 and over directly, without needing a GP appointment. This means faster access to antiviral medication, reduced pressure on GP surgeries, and greater convenience for you when you're battling an unwelcome case of shingles.

Here's how it works:

Seek Refuge at Touchwood Pharmacy: No appointment needed! Simply come in during opening hours and let our friendly team know you're seeking shingles support.

Confidential Consultation: Our pharmacists will provide a private consultation to discuss your symptoms and medical history.

Diagnosis Done Right: We'll conduct a thorough assessment, often including examining the affected area, to confirm a shingles diagnosis.

Targeted Treatment: If shingles are confirmed, we'll dispense the appropriate antiviral medication, like aciclovir, right there on the spot, no GP visit required.

Monitoring Your Progress: We'll schedule a follow-up call or consultation to ensure your shingles are healing well and answer any questions you may have.

Benefits of the Pharmacy First Shingles Service at Touchwood Pharmacy:

  • Same-day shingles treatment: No more waiting for GP appointments or prescriptions to start feeling better.

  • Quick and convenient: Get the care you need without the hassle of a busy doctor’s office.

  • Expert care: Our pharmacists are shingles treatment specialists, ready to provide tailored advice and support.

  • Easing the burden on the NHS: Frees up GPs to focus on more complex cases.

Remember, Pharmacy First shingles is for uncomplicated shingles in adults aged 18 and over. If you experience:

  • Fever or chills

  • Severe pain, especially in your face or eyes

  • Difficulty seeing

  • Weakness or balance problems

  • Confusion

Please seek immediate medical attention from your GP or a hospital emergency department.

Touchwood Pharmacy is proud to be one of the first pharmacies offering the Pharmacy First shingles service. We’re committed to providing our community with accessible, high-quality healthcare. So, next time shingles strikes, don’t suffer in silence. Head to Touchwood Pharmacy and experience the Pharmacy First shingles service – your shortcut to feeling better, faster.

Visit our website or call us today to learn more about the Pharmacy First shingles service at Touchwood Pharmacy. We’re here to help you fight off the shingles and get back to feeling your best.

What are other conditions can be treated by Pharmacy First at Touchwood Pharmacy?


Inflammation of the sinuses, causing facial pain, congestion, and discharge.

Sore Throat

Pain and discomfort in the throat, often accompanied by difficulty swallowing.


Pain in the ear, which can be caused by infection, inflammation, or other factors.

Infected Insect Bites

A bite from an insect that has become inflamed, swollen, and potentially infected.


A contagious bacterial skin infection that causes red, blistering sores.

Uncomplicated UTIs In Women

Infections of the bladder or urethra

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