NHS Service
Six Super Foods for a Healthy Thyroid

Six Super Foods for a Healthy Thyroid

Your thyroid is an important gland that you generally don’t have to think about very often. However, when something goes wrong with your thyroid, your entire body will feel the…
Which blood tests diagnose diabetes?

Which blood tests diagnose diabetes?

Diabetes is becoming more common each year in the UK. Type 1 diabetes is a condition people are often born with or develop at a young age, but type 2…

Can Typhoid Fever Spread Through The Air?

Typhoid fever is a very serious illness. It can be spread from person to person, but probably not in the way you’re thinking. You can’t catch it from people coughing…
Can a blood test detect infection?

Can a blood test detect infection?

When someone has an infection, germs including bacteria, viruses or fungi invade the body, causing signs like fever and chills, aches and pains, and feeling generally unwell. These microscopic germs…