NHS Service
blood test

10 Commonly Used Blood Tests For Older Adults

It’s impossible to design a customized wellness program for achieving optimal health without a good understanding of what’s going on inside your body.  The good news is that it’s simple…
chickenpox vaccination

The Do’s And Don’ts Of Chickenpox

Though chickenpox is a mild illness, it’s highly infectious and can cause distress and discomfort for those who have it, especially children. Here’s what to bear in mind for managing…

When Do I Need A Japanese Encephalitis Vaccine?

Japanese Encephalitis is a viral brain infection caused by mosquito bites. The virus comes from birds and pigs which are bitten by a mosquito that becomes infected and then transmits…
symptoms of rabies

Neurological Disorders After Rabies

The symptoms of rabies inflammation of the brain and this results in physical impairment and mental difficulties like insomnia, anxiety, confusion, agitation, and other abnormal behaviors. If you are traveling…