NHS Service

10 Commonly Used Blood Tests For Older Adults

commonly used blood tests for older adults

It’s impossible to design a customized wellness program for achieving optimal health without a good understanding of what’s going on inside your body.

The good news is that it’s simple to determine your specific needs, deficiencies, and imbalances with a series of blood tests.

Getting regular blood work or blood “panels” done is something that becomes even more crucial for older adults. Normally, blood work will be a common process in regular health tests for seniors which might also include regular physicals and hearing tests.

If you’re wondering what some of the most common blood tests for the elderly are and looking for a good testing location, be sure to read on for some valuable insight and contact Touchwood Pharmacy for Private Blood Tests in Bromley or at any of our other greater London locations.

Here are the 10 most important blood tests for determining your health status

  1. Complete Blood Count and Lipid Panel
  2. Vitamin D-25 Hydroxy
  3. Hemoglobin A1C
  4. Diabetes profile
  5. Homocysteine
  6. Anaemia
  7. Thyroid-stimulating hormone
  8. Bone health profile
  9. Prostate-specific antigen (for men only)
  10. Estradiol

Benefits of Blood Tests for Seniors

Blood tests don’t lie. They can reveal changes that signal disease, degeneration, or aging even before people notice these changes. Done by experienced healthcare providers at Touchwood Pharmacy, blood tests empower people to take charge of their health and wellness.

With routine blood tests, doctors can determine the status of your overall health and look for any “red flags” that may need to be addressed. If treatment is needed, this may come in the form of prescribed medicines, over-the-counter medications and lifestyle changes which include eating healthier and increasing or adding exercise into your routine.

Blood testing is the key

As you can see, blood testing options paint an important and accurate picture of what you need to achieve optimal balance. The results from blood tests help healthcare experts hone in on what’s preventing a person from having optimal quality of health. Therefore, treatment becomes individualized, safer, and more cost-efficient and effective.

Touchwood Pharmacy offers Private Blood Tests in Camberley and Private Blood Tests in Hanwell. Our expert clinicians are available for consultations about which blood tests are for you and help you understand the results. Visit us online for more information.