NHS Service
What is Yellow Fever And Where Can I Get Vaccinated

What is Yellow Fever And Where Can I Get Vaccinated?

Yellow fever is an acute viral haemorrhagic disease transmitted by infected mosquitoes. It is so-called because some patients are affected by jaundice so will literally turn yellow. Yellow fever is…

Early Signs & Symptoms of Yellow Fever

Yellow Fever is a serious infection spread by mosquitoes. It is found in parts of Africa, South America, Central America and Trinidad. Yellow Fever can be prevented by vaccination and…

Useful Tips for Flying Abroad

Flying and airports have always presented unique health challenges. You also need to consider whether you require any vaccinations depending upon your country of destination. 

What is Meningitis and how do you treat it?

Meningitis is an infection of the protective membrane that surrounds the brain and the spinal cord called the meninges hence the name of the illness. Meningitis can affect anyone but…

Who Should take a Food Intolerance Test and Why?

Some people suffer from food intolerances which means their body has a reaction to certain food ingredients and finds them difficult to digest. This can result in unpleasant reactions ranging…