NHS Service

5 Warning Signs of Typhoid

signs of typhoid

A bacterial infection like typhoid can be fatal when left untreated. It can affect many body organs and lead to severe complications. Typhoid is also highly contagious. Once infected, a person’s poo and pee is the usual route for spreading the bacteria. Improper handling of food and poor hygiene are the silent criminals that cause contamination & infection.

The typhoid infection rate is relatively low in the UK, with annual statistics of 300 cases. Patients reportedly contracted the disease while visiting Pakistan, India, or Bangladesh. But do note that typhoid is also prevalent in Africa, South America, and Asia.

Here are five warning signs of typhoid to watch out for:

  • Persistent, gradually increasing fever and cough.
  • Headache
  • Body pain
  • Fatigue
  • Constipation

You might also experience nausea, loss of appetite, stomachache, diarrhoea, or even a rash when the infection progresses. When left untreated, expect symptoms to worsen over time. Within weeks, fatal complications may arise.

Early Intervention & Treatment

Early diagnosis is crucial in successful recovery from the disease. In the case of mild typhoid fever, a doctor can advise home treatment with a one- to two-week course of oral antibiotics. However, hospital admission and antibiotic injections are necessary in more severe cases.

When treated promptly, typhoid patients start feeling better within days, and they avoid fatal complications. As a result, typhoid deaths in the UK are virtually unheard of. Still, when left untreated, 1 out of 5 patients die. Moreover, some survivors may suffer from complications.

Prevention is Better than Cure

Typhoid vaccination is the best way to go, especially if you plan on traveling to places where typhoid fever has the highest rates, such as Africa, South and Southeast Asia, South America, and the Indian subcontinent. In addition, since certain typhoid bacteria strains are developing antibiotic resistance, it would be safest to get vaccinated before mingling with the local people in said high-risk areas.

You have two vaccination options: take a single-dose injection or three capsules over alternate days. Visit a typhoid vaccination clinic in Northampton to get a doctor’s recommendation.

Even when fully vaccinated, it would be best to strictly observe travel precautions, such as drinking only bottled water or previously boiled water and avoiding poorly handled food that can be potentially contaminated.