NHS Service
Chickenpox Vaccination in Northolt

Can you get chickenpox more than once in your life?

Thanks to the widespread availability of a vaccine, children no longer have to go through the chickenpox. Chickenpox is a highly contagious illness that causes uncomfortable and sometimes painful symptoms. It’s usually relatively mild in children but can become serious in adults and more vulnerable parts of the population. Because

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How to prevent chickenpox

How To Prevent Chickenpox?

Chickenpox mostly affects children and is not usually a serious condition but it can make little ones feel quite miserable for a while and the spots are very itchy.  Chickenpox is very contagious and the only way to prevent chickenpox is to have the chickenpox shot. 

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how does chickenpox kill

How Does Chickenpox Kill?

Chickenpox is not usually known as a killer disease but in some serious cases, it can cause complications and occasionally even death.  The illness is mainly viewed as a childhood illness but if it is contracted during adulthood, it can be far more severe and may be fatal if it develops in late pregnancy.  The chickenpox vaccination can protect infants, children and adults against chickenpox and any subsequent problems associated with the disease.

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