NHS Service

Meningitis: When To Get Your Teen Vaccinated And How Often?

meningitis vaccination for teens

Meningitis is an illness all parents fear but it is not just a disease that strikes young children; it is also of concern for adolescents in their teenage years which is why school children in Years 9 and 10 and some other young people are routinely offered MenACWY.  If you are looking for the meningitis vaccination in Ramsgate or the meningitis vaccination in Sydenham then contact Touchwood Pharmacy for more information on how to protect your teen.

What is the MenACQY vaccine?

The MenACWY vaccine is given as a single injection into the upper am and protects against the four strains of meningococcal bacteria – this important vaccination forms part of the meningococcal vaccine schedule.

For teenagers, the meningococcal vaccine age is usually ages 13-15 so Years 9 and 10 at school.  Any teenager who has missed the MenACWY vaccine can still have the shot up to their 25th birthday whether they are at work or have gone off to University.

Why should teenagers and students have the MenACWY vaccine?

Older teenagers and students off to University mix closely with new friends socially and in living environments like halls of residence.  Some people can carry the meningococcal bacteria at the back of their nose and throat without knowing it.  The MenACWY vaccine is highly effective at preventing the four meningococcal strains in these new community groupings of young people.

How dangerous is meningococcal disease?

Meningococcal disease can cause both meningitis and septicaemia which is blood poisoning.  Septicaemia and meningitis can trigger life-threatening sepsis.  Meningococcal disease is rare but very serious and requires urgent hospital treatment.  It can lead to life-changing disabilities such as brain damage, hearing loss and limb amputations.

How long can meningitis live on surfaces?

Meningitis bacteria are very weak and only survive for a short time outside the human body so they do not live long in the air or on clothes, furniture or other surfaces. People who have had casual contact with someone who goes on to develop the meningococcal disease are not likely to be at risk.

If you are looking to have the meningitis vaccination quickly for your teen then visit Touchwood Pharmacy who offer the meningitis vaccination in Ramsgate and we also provide the meningitis vaccination in Sydenham. You can find out more about the vaccination and the disease as it specifically relates to teenagers on our comprehensive.