NHS Service
Preventing typhoid transmission through effective strategies and measures

Preventing Typhoid Transmission: Strategies And Measures

Protecting yourself against typhoid fever is essential for ensuring a safe and enjoyable travel experience. At Touchwood Pharmacy, we are dedicated to providing comprehensive healthcare solutions, including the typhoid vaccine, to safeguard your health during your travels. By following the strategies and measures, you can minimise the risk of typhoid

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Protect your health and ensure safe travels with typhoid vaccination

Why is Typhoid Vaccination Important When Travelling Abroad?

While travelling abroad allows us to embrace new cultures, enjoy diverse cuisines, and create lasting memories, ensuring our health and well-being remains a top priority. One fundamental aspect of international travel is protecting ourselves from potential health risks, highlighting the vital role of typhoid vaccination. Whether you’re visiting a bustling

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Types of Cough - Touchwood Pharmacy

9 Types of Cough – Symptoms, Causes and When to Seek Help

Did you know there are at least 9 different types of coughs? Cough types depend on the cause so to get the correct treatment, it’s important to be able to recognise specific cough symptoms. Dry Cough Dry coughs are non-productive coughs that don’t produce any phlegm or mucus. They are

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Typhoid fever - Touchwood Pharmacy

Can Typhoid Be Permanently Prevented?

  There are two vaccinations available in the UK which can provide some protection against typhoid but they are not a complete barrier against the disease. Typhoid fever is a bacterial infection which can spread rapidly throughout the body and without prompt treatment, can be fatal.  Vaccination is recommended for

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