NHS Service
can allergy testing in northampton identify food allergies

Can Allergy Testing In Northampton Detect Food Allergies?

Food allergies have become a growing concern in recent years, impacting millions of individuals worldwide. The prevalence of food allergies is on the rise, prompting many to seek ways to identify and manage their allergic reactions effectively. Allergy testing serves as an important tool in diagnosing food allergies and providing

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Significance of blood tests in Identifying silent health risks

The Importance Of Blood Tests In Detecting Silent Health Risks

Our well-being is comparable to a complex puzzle, and occasionally, there are concealed threats that we may not detect until they escalate into significant issues. This is where blood tests play a crucial role – acting as superheroes in preventive healthcare. These tests excel at identifying health risks that may

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Comparing private blood tests and public healthcare

Private Blood Tests vs. Public Healthcare: Pros And Cons

In the realm of healthcare, the options available to individuals have expanded over the years. While public healthcare systems like the NHS in the UK provide essential services, the popularity of private blood tests is on the rise. There is no one-size-fits-all solution. The decision to opt for private blood

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Discover the five critical signs of high cholesterol

What are the 5 Signs of High Cholesterol?

High cholesterol can silently affect your health and increase your risk of heart disease and other complications. Read about the five signs you should watch out for and the importance of private cholesterol blood tests for early detection. Elevated blood pressure: High cholesterol and hypertension often go hand in hand. A

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commonly used blood tests for older adults

10 Commonly Used Blood Tests For Older Adults

It’s impossible to design a customized wellness program for achieving optimal health without a good understanding of what’s going on inside your body. The good news is that it’s simple to determine your specific needs, deficiencies, and imbalances with a series of blood tests. Getting regular blood work or blood “panels”

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How to Deal with Sniffing, Sneezing - touchwood pharmacy

How to Deal with Sniffing, Sneezing, and Other Winter Allergies

When you think of seasonal allergies, winter is probably not the season that first comes to mind. However, seasonal allergies can happen at any time of the year. So if you have prolonged sniffs and sneezes during the colder winter months, you may be experiencing winter allergies. What Causes Winter

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Heart Attacks In Winter - Touchwood Pharmacy

Why Do More People Get Heart Attacks In Winter?

During the winter months, we are more likely to catch viruses like colds and the flu. Research has also shown that the rate of heart attacks increases during winter as well. Here are a few reasons as to why people are more likely to have a heart attack when it’s

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