NHS Service
Explore chickenpox insights and expectations

Understanding Chickenpox: What To Expect

Chickenpox, a prevalent viral infection, primarily impacts children, causing discomfort. Recognised for its itchy rash and flu-like symptoms, understanding this contagious disease becomes crucial. Vaccination emerges as a powerful tool in preventing or alleviating the severity of chickenpox. In this blog, we will explore the ins and outs of chickenpox,

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Explaining the link between shingles and chickenpox

Shingles And Chickenpox: The Connection Explained

Have you ever wondered about the mysterious connection between shingles and chickenpox? These two seemingly distinct conditions share a hidden tie, and understanding their relationship can provide valuable insights into prevention and management. In this blog, we’ll unravel the intricate connection between shingles and chickenpox, exploring the origins, symptoms, and

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Understanding the contagious period of chickenpox

How Long Is Chickenpox Contagious For?

Chickenpox was once one of the most common and contagious childhood diseases. Just about everyone missed several days of school while they went through the uncomfortable, itchy rash chickenpox causes. Thanks to the widely available chickenpox vaccination, children and adults no longer need to experience the miserable virus. How Does

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How To Care For Your Child With chickenpox?

Chickenpox is a highly contagious infection which is caused by a virus.  It was once so common amongst young children that parents would have chickenpox parties to get it over with.  A vaccine was introduced in the 1990s and now the incidence of chickenpox has decreased significantly. 

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When Should You Get the Chickenpox Vaccine?

Although chickenpox is often thought of as a mild childhood illness, it can vary in severity and can also affect adults. At our Touchwood Pharmacy travel clinic, you can opt to have the chickenpox vaccine which offers protection against the virus. There’s no need to suffer through illness, choose our chickenpox vaccination service and get your peace of mind.

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