NHS Service
ear syringing

Is ear syringing safe?

Your earwax is constantly hard at work protecting and cleaning your ears. Once it’s done its job, it usually falls out of your ears unnoticed. However, sometimes you can end up with a build up of stubborn wax. When this happens, you can experience symptoms like sudden hearing loss, ear

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Ear wax removal

How Can Earplugs Save You From Hearing Loss?

  The World Health Organisation (WHO) considers noise exposure to be one of the most common and irreversible illnesses amongst young people today. This is most frequently caused by loud sound exposure, usually to music. This is also known as NIHL or Noise-Induced Hearing Loss. If you are suffering from

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Types of Ear Wax Removal

Types of Ear Wax Removal

Ear wax is formed in the outer ear canal and is a natural wax produced by the ears as a defensive layer. As it is made, the wax slowly moves from the outer ear canal to the opening of the ear. There are lots of different types of ear wax

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