NHS Service
Causes of high cholesterol levels explained

What Are The Main Causes of High Cholesterol?

Cholesterol is a waxy, fat-like substance found in your blood. While your body needs cholesterol to build healthy cells, having high cholesterol can increase your risk of heart disease. When you have high cholesterol, you may develop fatty deposits in your blood vessels. These deposits can grow, making it difficult

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Significance of blood tests in Identifying silent health risks

The Importance Of Blood Tests In Detecting Silent Health Risks

Our well-being is comparable to a complex puzzle, and occasionally, there are concealed threats that we may not detect until they escalate into significant issues. This is where blood tests play a crucial role – acting as superheroes in preventive healthcare. These tests excel at identifying health risks that may

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Discover the five critical signs of high cholesterol

What are the 5 Signs of High Cholesterol?

High cholesterol can silently affect your health and increase your risk of heart disease and other complications. Read about the five signs you should watch out for and the importance of private cholesterol blood tests for early detection. Elevated blood pressure: High cholesterol and hypertension often go hand in hand. A

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private cholesterol blood tests

What Causes High Cholesterol Levels?

High cholesterol is a serious condition that needs to be managed effectively to prevent complications like heart disease and stroke. According to the NHS, up to two in five people have high cholesterol levels, putting them at risk of potentially fatal conditions. You may be one of those people and

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2. Touchwood Pharmacy – Thyroid Issues And Cholesterol: Is There A Connection

Thyroid Issues And Cholesterol: Is There A Connection?

Cholesterol is a dangerous fatty substance that can circulate in the blood and restrict or block blood vessels. Most people are aware of this but perhaps, what is less well known, is that there is a link between the function of the thyroid gland and cholesterol. If you are searching

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