NHS Service
Essential Information on travel vaccinations before your trip

Travel Vaccinations: What You Need To Know Before Your Trip

Travelling can be an exciting adventure, but it’s important to prioritise your health before starting your journey. One of the key steps to ensure a safe and healthy trip is to get the appropriate travel vaccinations. Vaccinations can protect you from various diseases that may be prevalent in your destination.

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Specialized travel clinics vs general healthcare

Travel Clinic vs. General Healthcare: Why Specialised Care Matters

While general healthcare services are essential for everyday well-being, specialised care from a travel clinic in South London can make a significant difference, especially if you’re planning a trip from this borough or the surrounding areas like Farnborough, Sunningdale, Bagshot, or Milton Keynes. Travelling comes with potential health risks, ranging from

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When and what vaccinations do I need?

A professional travel vaccination service or travel clinic will advise you of the vaccinations you need depending on your country of travel; whether you are on holiday or perhaps working or studying in this location which can also be relevant.  Touchwood Pharmacy runs a comprehensive travel clinic and can advise you of the recommended vaccines for travellers.

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When Should You Get the Chickenpox Vaccine?

Although chickenpox is often thought of as a mild childhood illness, it can vary in severity and can also affect adults. At our Touchwood Pharmacy travel clinic, you can opt to have the chickenpox vaccine which offers protection against the virus. There’s no need to suffer through illness, choose our chickenpox vaccination service and get your peace of mind.

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Five Expert Tips To Prevent Cholera

The most common symptom of cholera is the painful abdominal cramps and diarrhoea. The infection and the signs of cholera usually last for a week, and if not treated carefully or at the right time, cholera can also prove fatal and result in death. So the safest way to protect yourself from cholera is to counter the infection beforehand. Here are some tips to prevent cholera.

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Top 10 things to consider when planning your travel vaccinations

Top 10 Things To Consider When Planning Your Travel Vaccinations

Sitting at home in your vacation is nothing but simply a waste of time. Playing video games, watching movies, reading books can’t suffice the real-time experience that you will get if you choose travelling to a new place. While travelling, we can explore new places, beautiful nature, new people, new culture and sumptuous dishes to pamper our taste buds.

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